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Australian Wool Market Weekly Report (WK20)

From:Nanjing woolmarket       Date:2020-11-13 17:58:27       Share:

The Australian wool market has continued to perform erratically, with upward and downward price fluctuations experienced within for the series, for the second consecutive week. The overall price increases of the previous series encouraged more sellers to the market, pushing the national quantity up to 37,512 bales. When the market opened in the Eastern centres on the first selling day, it was immediately apparent that buyer sentiment had weakened. The result was a reduction in price across all merino microns and descriptions. The Northern and Southern Micron Price Guides (MPGs) lost between 17 and 56 cents for the day. The losses in the East pushed the AWEX Eastern Market Indicator (EMI) down by 33 cents for the day. When the news of these losses reached the West, it prompted many sellers to pull their wool from the market, resulting in 29% of the fleece being withdrawn prior to sale. The wool left in the Fremantle sale attracted strong support and as a result recorded minimal price movements, the Western MPGs ranged between a 4-cent loss and a 5-cent gain. The positive tone evident in the West at the end of the first day, carried into the second, with all three centres recording positive movements. The MPGs across the country rose by 23 to 68 cents. On the back of these rises the EMI recovered all of the previous day’s losses, adding 34 cents for the day. The EMI recorded an overall positive movement for the series, rising by 1 cent, closing the week at 1,189 cents. Worth noting, due to the strengthening of the Australian dollar, when viewed in USD terms, the weekly rise was more substantial. The EMI rose by 16 US cents for the series, this equated to a 1.8% rise. Next week national offering rises, there is currently 40359 bales available to the trade in Sydney, Melbourne and emantle.