Distinguished Guests:
第35届中国国际毛纺大会将在浙江桐乡召开。行业聚焦技术创新、优化资源、绿色低碳,以高质量发展的新思路和新作为,全面释放发展动力开拓市场。会议主题“爱羊毛,爱未来(LOVE WOOL, @FUTURE)”最大的亮点在互联网符号“@”,它既代表羊毛与万物互联,也表示了在互联网时代,羊毛的创新发展。整个主题意在表达各国羊毛人热爱羊毛,用心交流,也寄托着面向未来,共建毛纺命运共同体的良好愿望。
本次会议主办单位:中国毛纺织行业协会、中国国投国际贸易有限公司,承办单位:南京羊毛市场,衷心的感谢会议赞助企业:浙江永金生物科技有限公司、AWI | The Woolmark Company、WoolWorks New Zealand Limited、南通宏洋毛绒制品有限公司,特别支持:顺木集团,三十九家VIP企业及所有参会代表,对本次大会的鼎力支持。
The 35th Nanjing Wool Market Conference will soon be held in Tongxiang, Zhejiang. The wool industry is committed to technological innovation, resource optimization, and green,low-carbon practices, promoting high-quality development with fresh ideas and new actions to unlock market potential. The conference theme, LOVE WOOL, @FUTURE, highlights the Internet symbol "@", symbolizing the connection of wool with the digital age and its innovative development. The theme reflects the global wool people's passion for wool and their commitment to future collaboration in building a united wool industry.
More than 300 representatives from six continents will be attending the conference. They come from relevant national ministries, local government agencies, and overseas embassies in China, including China National Textile and Apparel Council, Customs administration, and Foreign Affairs Office.
The organizer of this conference: China Wool Textile Industry Association, China State Investment International Trading Co., LTD., the organizer: Nanjing Wool Market, heartfelt thanks to the conference sponsors: Zhejiang Yongjin Biotechnology Co., LTD., AWI | The Woolmark Company, WoolWorks New Zealand Limited, Nantong Hongyang Plush Products Co., LTD., Special Supporter: Sunwoo Group, 39 VIP enterprises and all the delegates, to support the conference.
We particularly wish to thank each of you taking the time to attend this conference and for contributing your voices to the interactive business forums and thought-provoking discussions.
May the 35th Nanjing Wool Market Conference a complete success! And wish all wool people a successful 2024/25 season.
Nanjing Wool Market